Actions are the basic components in any roadmap and represent the most single version of something that needs to be done. They are concrete, clearly defined operational steps that will move you towards completion of a larger component (milestone, initiative, objective). Examples of actions are ‘book a meeting room’ or ’paint office walls white.’
Actions are characterized by:
- A simple activity which can be completed in 5-10 minutes
- Only having the ability to be marked complete.
- If you need to follow the action with color (red, yellow, green), it should be created as a milestone instead
- Having the option to add an end date if needed
- If an action in itself contains several actions, it should be created as a milestone instead
Actions can also be used as unaligned general tasks, to-do’s and reminders, and will replace sticky notes and multiple to-do lists. Having actions enables you to now do everything from ONE place which is a key benefit of ActionPlanner!
Tip: You can read more about creating actions HERE
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