An initiative will always have a CREATOR, OWNER and RESPONSIBLE. Moreover, it is possible to invite SUPPORTERS on an initiative. These roles are explained below.
Creator | Creator of initiatives | To create |
Owner | Assign initiatives to others | • Clarify expectations (Why, What, When) • Support & coach the responsible to success |
Responsible | Acceptor of assignments | • Drive & execute initiatives • Keep initiatives updated • Request completion |
Supporter* | • Personal assistant • Co-Responsible |
• Same as responsible |
(Share) | No active role on initiative | • “Subscribe” to an initiative’s updates • Share a private initiative |
The CREATOR is the person creating the initiative. The reason for having this role is because in some cases the creator is different from the owner and responsible, e.g. if a Personal Assistant creates the initiative on behalf of her manager and delegates to a third party.
The person requesting an initiative/deliverable is the OWNER. The owner is overall responsible for the initiative but is neither driving the progress nor updating the initiative. That is the role of the responsible.
The person that will drive and update the initiative is the RESPONSIBLE. If a person creates an initiative and assigns it to oneself, that person will both be creator, owner and responsible.
In ActionPlanner there can be only one responsible for each initiative. So, if you are truly co-responsible with another person, you will need the supporter role.
The SUPPORTER on an initiative has the same authorities to make changes and updates as the responsible. So, if you are truly co-operating on an initiative, you can invite one or more people to support any initiative.
We also see the supporter role used in case of the initiative editing and updating being delegated to an assistant or support function, e.g. PA’s updating on behalf of their managers.
Read more about how to invite supporters HERE
* Please note that the SUPPORTER role is a TEAM+ and CORPORATE feature. If you are using a TEAM version and wish to know more about upgrading to TEAM+, reach out to us on
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