As RESPONSIBLE of an initiative, you request completion by following these steps:
- Go to the initiative you wish to request completion of;
- Access the “Initiative options” in the upper right hand corner of the screen;
- Select the option “Request completion”.
As responsible for an initiative you can “request completion” from the owner when you believe the initiative is complete.
When you request completion of an initiative, you are asked to comment with the reason for completing that very initiative:
The completion request goes straight to the owner and informs the owner, that you, the responsible, have marked your initiative complete. This allows for a final review, as it requests the owner to confirm that the owner agrees that it is indeed complete. If this is not the case, the completion request can be denied by the owner and sent back to active state once again.
If you are the initiative owner, the drop-down option will say “complete”. Simply click this, to complete the initiative.
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