This feature is relevant for users that are working with more than one roadmap.
You can move initiatives and sub initiatives to other roadmaps by modifying the relation in two ways as a User:
- Through Quick Edit on your Initiative detail page
- Through the Edit option in your “Initiative options” dropdown
1. Through Quick Edit on your Initiative detail page
Modify the relation through quick edit by clicking the pencil icon located next to the initiative name (when you hover the name). Proceed to unfold the “Align to” setting and unfold the roadmap you wish to re-align your initiative to:
2. Through the Edit option in your Initiative Options dropdown
- Go to the initiative you wish to re-align to a new roadmap;
- Access the “Initiative options” in the upper right hand corner of the screen;
- Select the option “Edit initiative”;
- Proceed to unfold the “Align to” setting and unfold the roadmap you wish to re-align your initiative to:
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